LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml
LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml

LEC Sesuki no Gekiochi-kun 400ml

$12.49 Sale Save

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Product introduction:
・A multi-cleaner made of 100% alkaline electrolyzed water that is electrolyzed using a unique method.
・Alkaline power wraps dirt and lifts it off. It also has disinfecting and deodorizing properties, so it is recommended around the dining table and kitchen!
・Since no surfactant is used, there is no need to wipe twice!
・Perfect for cleaning places where you don't want to use detergent!

INGREDIENTS: Alkaline electrolyzed water, sodium sesquicarbonate

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