Lion Trading Shushutto Foaming Cleaner for pets 270ml
Lion Trading Shushutto Foaming Cleaner for pets 270ml
Lion Trading Shushutto Foaming Cleaner for pets 270ml
Lion Trading Shushutto Foaming Cleaner for pets 270ml

Lion Trading Shushutto Foaming Cleaner for pets 270ml

$13.99 Sale Save

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Product Description

For cleaning and disinfecting various stains such as indoor pet urches, pooches, crawls, and foot pads. Easy and powerful foaming spray type that blows away any dirt that you are concerned about. Formulated with vegetable deodorizing and disinfecting ingredients, it is safe to lick on. Mint Scent


Water, ethanol, cleaning agent (palm surfactant), disinfectant, pH conditioner, natural mint, grapefruit seed extract, sugaracne extract

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